Student Engagement, Exploration and Development (SEEDS)

Over the past decade, there has been a focused effort on the reinforcement and expansion of STEM pathways, along which low-income and underrepresented minoritized people face severe inequities at multiple points. Although research on Black and Latinx students' experiences in STEM fields is burgeoning, more research is required to advance students' access and engagement in STEM, specifically in physics and astronomy.

The SEEDS project is designed to examine, through mixed-methods research, the impact of mentorship and online science curriculum intervention on low-income and minoritized middle school (MS) and college students’ (CS) science identity and social capital towards Physics and Astronomy related science study and professional fields. Our proposed project is guided conceptually by Yosso’s (2005) model of community cultural wealth and Carlone and Johnson’s (2007) science identity model.
Learn About the SEEDS Project Below:

2022-23 SEEDS Interns Profiles
*Indicating aggregated number from 2 cohorts (SP22; FA22-SP23) **Black, Indigenous, People of Color